If there's one thing that I admire ...its personal style. In terms of fashion and trends never completely follow them. Instead tailor the trend to fit your taste. A designer's vision is just that....his vision. The designer is there to inspire you...not there to create your style. If you are undecided about your style, its ok to draw inspiration, just don't be a walking imitation of someone else's vision.
Start with your favorite colors, what colors make you smile. Go on to patterns/ fabrics, do you like flowers, animal print, solid colors or a mixture of textures. The style of garment, in what do you feel more comfortable. Last but not least is the statement accessory. If you love handbags or watches, or have an infinite love for shoes then make sure that they are the stars of your wardrobe. Sick to what you love, after all it is your style.
Personal style is what makes you memorable, its you....people tend to remember memorable styles, who knows maybe you might inspire someone . Think of your favorite celebrities, they have their style down to the last stitch.